COPS reporting unrestricted NFS exports under Linux

Mr Martin J Hargreaves (
Fri, 3 Mar 1995 01:50:44 +0000 (GMT)

	Someone mentioned this a while ago. I've been getting the same 
thing. It's due to the standard /etc/exports file which comes with the 
networking software. It's full of commented text, the script in cops 
tries to parse it and can't. It says

Warning!  NFS file system  exported with no restrictions!

	eleven times. There are two spaces between system and exported 
because that's where the name of the filesystem in quuestion wouuld be 
printed. Just an FYI.


ObBug Well maybe, the default /etc/exports (and most of the other 
networking files) start with a #.

| Martin Hargreaves, 		  |
| Undergraduate Computational Chemist    		       |
| WWW Server Admin       |